The FIT Certification

The Technician Credential for the Food and Beverage Industry

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Skills Training for
Current & Future
Food Industry Technicians

A Unique Partnership Between Industry and Education

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A Pathway to a
Gold Collar Career

Industry-Recognized Training and Certification

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For Students

Learn about how the FIT program will prepare you for a good-paying job in the food and beverage industry.

For Employers

Learn how the FIT program will help you hire skilled technicians for your food industry facilities and plants.

In the U.S. alone, there are currently 5.6 million youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who are out of school and not working. At the same time, there are 3.5 million unfilled jobs.

The 100,000 Opportunities Initiative

Middle-skill jobs account for 54 percent of United States’ labor market, but only 44 percent of the country’s workers are trained to the middle-skill level.

National Skills Coalition

What is the FIT Program?

The Food Industry Technician (FIT) program is a partnership between the Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA), leading food companies, and academic program providers. Through this program, students receive the training and certification they need to become qualified technicians for the food and beverage manufacturing, processing, and packaging industries.

Visit Academic Program Providers

Learn more about the FIT program

Contact us today for detailed information.