FPSA’s Food Industry Technician program (FIT), the industry’s only technician’s certification program, dedicated to the training of individuals to fill vitally needed positions in our industry had another successful year even with the obstacles created from the pandemic. We are in our third class of students, with 100% of the graduating apprentices placed in jobs at OEMs or processing plants within our industry. The FIT program requires students to successfully complete a foundation electrical curriculum, adhere to an extensive interview process and then if accepted, proceed with FIT capstone classes that include additional electrical training, mechanical, hydraulics and pneumatics. Currently, our program is being held at the Lincoln Tech (our educational partner) campus in Indianapolis, Indiana, where they receive extensive classroom education and even more importantly, hands-on training on equipment. We are now looking to expand our efforts to bring even more students into our program, however to do that, we need your assistance and are asking if your company would be willing to donate equipment so that we can more thoroughly train and prepare our students for successful careers in our industry. Read More
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